
I wandered into the small store where I usually buy milk, when the store owner received a call from a customer. The customer and his wife had shopped there several months earlier. He noticed that his wife really liked one thing in the store, so he wanted to buy it as a surprise. But the customer was in Tennessee, far away from the store which was in Maine. What’s more, he had been to the store several months earlier, and it was difficult to believe that the store owner would remember him, or what he was looking for. The store owner took a few close-up photos with her camera, and e-ma阅读下面的文字,根据要求作答。(5分)据中国青年网报道,近日,一件事引起了大家的关注。该事件发生于9月8日,女大学生小袁骑车遭遇一老人倒地,老人受伤后她拨打了120,随后老人指认小袁撞了自己。8天来,“撞了”还是“没撞”依然没有定论。学生小袁称自己做好事反被诬陷。老人家属认为老人是小袁撞倒的,他们认为这件事疑点重重:第一,如果不是小袁撞的,那当时为何陪老人来医院,又为何垫付2000元医疗费?第二,小袁曾在医院道歉说是她不小心碰倒的,为什么回到学校之后突然变了?目前由于双方各执一词,都坚持自己的说法,因此需要大量证据还原事件真相。警方表示,这起案件还在积极调查、取证中。请选择一个角度,发表自己的看法。要求评说有理有据,不少于50字。
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