
In real life, most people seem confident. But when they can’t have things they want, they are upset and lose themselves. Do you want to learn how to be yourself? Here are some suggestions. Be kind to yourself Appreciate what you have done. Everyone has different talents which can help to make the world become a better one. Remember you don’t need to satisfy everyone. No matter what others think of you, just be yourself . Make good friends Always make friends with people who are willing to make you feel better about yourself. Good friends neither talk about how great they are nor pr关于蛋白质工程的基本流程,叙述正确的是①蛋白质分子结构设计 ②DNA合成③预期蛋白质功能 ④据氨基酸序列推出脱氧核苷酸序列A.①→②→③→④ B.④→②→①→③C.③→①→④→② D.③→④→①→②
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