
1. 详细信息


She is always willing to share things with others. So she is __________.

A. honest          B. humorous       C. generous        D. smart

2. 详细信息

 The word “elevator” means ______________ in British.

   A. left             B. lift             C. hall            D. fall

3. 详细信息

 Jim has __________________ than Tom.

   A. more CD       B. fewer news      C.  less sheep     D. fewer goldfish

4. 详细信息

 I’m running as _____________as I can. However, I’m still behind the others.

   A. slow           B. slowly          C. fast             D. faster

5. 详细信息

---We’ll go to plant trees next week.

   ---Great! Planting trees is great fun. I’d like to ______________ you.

   A. follow           B. visit           C. invite            D. meet

6. 详细信息

One of the climbers tried to pull _________up the rocks. Finally, he was lucky to get to the top.

   A. themselves       B. himself          C. herself           D. itself

7. 详细信息

The lazy boy ate the _____________food, but did the ______________work.

   A. most, most      B. least, least     C. least, most      D. most, least.

8. 详细信息

The fish tastes ____________. No one wants to eat more.

   A. well            B. good            C. bad             D. delicious

9. 详细信息

---Please don’t be late again.   --- Oh, sorry. I _____________.

   A. don’t be         B. will             C. am             D. won’t

10. 详细信息

 If you aren’t good at math, you should ____________________.

A. exercise more          B. do more exercises 

C. take more exercise     D. exercises

11. 详细信息

 Hurry up, ___________ you won’t catch the early bus.

   A. but              B. and            C. or              D. so

12. 详细信息

 It is cold today, though(虽然) not so _____________as yesterday.

   A. cold             B. colder          C. hot             D. hotter

13. 详细信息

Who does the worst of all _____________ swimming in your class?

  A. with             B. in              C. at              D. on

14. 详细信息

--- How much does the ticket ______ from Suzhou to Beijing?  --- 250 yuan.

  A. take            B. spend            C. pay             D. cost

15. 详细信息

 The number of pandas is getting _________ because they don’t have enough living areas.

A. more and more             B. larger and larger

C. smaller and smaller       D. fewer and fewer

16. 详细信息


The famous fat and lazy cat Garfield(加菲猫) is coming to China. Garfield, the movie opens in cinemas around the country on Friday. In this American movie, Garfield acts with real actors. He __1___ trouble and dances like a star. He will make you __2__ with his clever and funny words. Drawn by American cartoonist Jim Davis since 1978, Garfield has fans ___3___ over the world. He likes eating, sleeping and watching TV. He hates ___4___ exercise! “I’m __5___ and fat. But I’m proud of it,” he says. Garfield always sits in front of the TV eating lasagnas(烤宽面条), his___6___ dish. Sometimes, he’s _7___ to his owner Jon Arbuckle. One day, Jon brings Odie, a __8___ dog, into his home. Odie is lovely. He gets all Jon’s love. This turns Garfield’s world upside down. Garfield wants the dog __9___ of the house, and his life. One night, he kicks Odie out of the house. But later Garfield finds that Odie has been kidnapped(绑架) by a TV star! The man wants to use the dog in his shows. Garfield feels ___10___ for Odie. He sees he has done something wrong. He wants to make up for it.

1.A. makes            B. takes                        C. gets                  D. leaves

2.A. cry                B. to laugh                    C. laugh                D. to cry

3.A. all                  B. both                         C. none                 D. neither

4.A. bringing          B. doing                       C. buying                     D. keeping

5.A. clever             B. sad                          C. lazy                  D. happy

6.A. like                B. better                       C. favourite           D. dislike

7.A. good                 B. kind                           C. friendly             D. rude

8.A. homeless    B. home                         C. school               D. class

9.A. in                   B. out                           C. inside                D. outside

10.A. happy           B. glad                         C. sorry                D. sad

17. 详细信息


I am a five-year-old elephant. When I was a baby, I lived in the wild with my parents. But some hunters killed my mother, and they caught me. They sold me to this circus(马戏团) and a train carried me here.

I was born in a large family. My mother was the head of the family. As you might know, when a female is born into the family, she never leaves.

Closely and happily, we travelled together, ate together, played together, and slept together. When I was in the family, my mother and my sisters looked after me carefully. I played happily with all the other elephants. Now, I miss them.

You enjoy watching my wonderful tricks. To make you laugh, I have to perform(表演) eight hours a day. But you may ask yourself, “How did they make that elephant stand on his head?” I never stood on his head in the wild. I don’t enjoy any of the tricks. I perform tricks because they make me do this or that. And still I hear you want to see me because you love me, you say. But you are thinking about yourself—what you want, what you like. Please think about me. If you love me, give me what I need. I need to be free, and to be with my family. And you can watch me on videos, DVDs and Web pages.

1.Where was the elephant born?

A. In a zoo             B. In a circus  C. In the wild              D. In somebody’s family

2. How is the elephant’s mother?

   A. She is in the circus now.                        B. She is still in the wild now.

   C. She is the head of her family now.          D. She died years ago.

3. What does the underlined(有画线的) word “they” mean?

   A. The elephant’s family members.      B. The children who watch the tricks.

   C. The other animals in the circus.      D. The people in the circus.

4. What does the elephant want?

   A. The children’s love                           B. To live with his family in the wild

   C. To perform tricks                                   D. To travel in a train

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. The elephant enjoys making children happy.

  B. Children love to see elephants in zoos or circuses.

  C. People don’t think much about how the elephant feel.

  D. It’s good to watch elephants on videos, DVDs and Web pages.

18. 详细信息

One Sunday, Mike decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Jack. But Jack happened to be away. Jack’s brother, John, wanted to go with him, but he didn’t know anything about sailing. Mike agreed and they started to go out to sea.

Soon they found themselves in a thick fog. Mike was sure they would be hit by a big ship. Luckily, he saw a large buoy(浮标) through the fog and decided to tie() the boat to it for safety. As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope(). The boat moved away in the fog carrying John. Because John didn’t know how to use the radio(无线电波), the boat went around in all directions. Twelve hours later, he was saved.

Mike spent the night on the buoy. In the early morning he fell asleep. He was having a bad dream when a shout woke him up. A ship, the Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captain(船长). The captain told him that John had been saved by another ship. That ship’s captain gave a message to tell this captain that Mike was on the buoy.

1.Why didn’t Mike and Jack go sailing together? Because_________________.

A.      Jack asked his brother to go instead

B.      Jack was in some other place

C.      Mike was in some other place

D.     Mike would like to go with John

2.Mike tried to tie the boat to the buoy so that ____________________.

A.        he could spend the night on it while John was looking for help

B.        he and John could go sailing again when the fog was away

C.        it wouldn’t be hit by other ships

D.       he might be hit by a passing ship

3.John was carried away by the boat because ____________________.

E.        there wasn’t room for both John and Mike on the buoy

F.        John couldn’t drive the boat and the boat went around in all directions

G.       Mike thought it safe to stay on the buoy but John didn’t

H.        John had to stay in the boat to radio for help

4.Who saved Mike?

A. A bad dream                     B. The captain from the Good Hope

C. Jack                         D. Himself

5. Was John still alive?

   A. Yes, he was         B. No, he wasn’t    C. Yes, he did         D. No, he didn’t

19. 详细信息

Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting at the station. Some were standing in line, others were walking around. A teacher was trying to keep a group of schoolgirls in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.

He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Peter, one of Tom’s workmates came in and sat with Tom. “What time is your bus?” asked Peter. “There is a lot of time yet.” answered Tom. “Well, I’ll get you some more tea then.” They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward(反方向的)!” he cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.” “You are looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Peter. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.

1.  Tom went into the station café because __________________.

A.      Peter asked him to have a cup of tea

B.      it was quite early and he could find a seat there

C.      he didn’t like to stay with the schoolgirls

D.     he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there

2.What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror the last time?

A. Half past twelve                       B. Twenty to twelve

C. Half past eleven                        D. Half past one

3.  From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find _______________.

   A. the time is right                         B. it’s going slower

C. it’s going backward                  D. it’s going faster

4. Which of the following is true?

   A. Tom arrived in Paris on time

   B. The next bus would leave in half an hour

   C. After that Tom didn’t like clocks any longer

   D. Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once

5. Which of the following is the best title for the story?

A. The Mirror of the Station   B. Not a Careful Man

C. Missing a bus                    D. The Man and the Mirror

20. 详细信息


1.How many ________________() does a cow have? 

2.As we all know, __________________(金字塔) are in Egypt.

3.Is there anything ______________(其他的) left in the fridge?

4.Are these photos these ________________(英雄)?

5.If you want to keep fit, you should eat ______________(健康).

6.The Golden Gate Bridge looks ___________(真的) great.

7.Please let us know as soon as __________________(可能的).

8.Are they _______________(加油,欢呼) for their school basketball team?

9.She____________(面带) a smile on her face when she came into the classroom.

10.There is always much ____________(交通)on the city roads.

21. 详细信息


1. Betty hopes ________________(be) a singer and travel around the world.

2. Millie decided _________________(not stay) at home.

3.________________(take) a bus is much faster than riding.

4. Thanks for _____________(agree)to let me go on the trip today.

5. Wait here for a moment, I _______________(return) in a minute.

22. 详细信息








4.起初, 我们没有感受到颐和园的美.


5.看到这么多来自世界各地的名胜, Millie非常激动.


23. 详细信息


1. He seldom drives to work. (划线提问)


2.The Greens didn’t go camping because it rained last night.(同义句)

   The Greens didn’t go camping because of ______________ last night.

3. He thinks he is as clever as his brother. (否定句)


4.The girl wasn’t able to play the piano. (next year 改写)


5. the Palace, will, bus, and, take, change ,we, the, underground, to, Museum, to, the



24. 详细信息







My Ideal School
