
提示作文 Gary 有一个在coffee shop的兼职工作,想离开,计划找一个新工作,你是Ahmet,是他最好的朋友,听到此事感到吃惊,劝他不要放弃在coffee shop的兼职工作,提示语:(提示语必须用完) 1.plan to get a new job, leave from , pay sb $7 an hour, 2.if , look in the newspaper,  other places  not pay you  more than $7 3.the people let you work after school , on weekends 4.visit you next weekend, take my advice 5.if you do, stay at the coffee shop Dear Gary, I  was surprised to hear that____________________________________过抛物线y2=4x的准线与对称轴的交点作直线,交抛物线于M、N两点,问直线的倾斜角多大时,以线段MN为直径的圆经过抛物线的焦点?
英语 试题推荐