
交际运用。将下列各句重新排序,使之成为一段完整的对话。首句已给出。 a.He’s funnier than I am, and he’s wilder while I am a little quieter. b.Why is Sam your good friend? c.Are you good at sports, too? d.What else do you like about him? e.Well, I like sports but Sam is more athletic than me. I’d say, we’re both pretty outgoing though. f.Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He is good at sports. 正确的顺序是:___b____  ________  _______  ________  _______  _______巴黎第一大学拿破仑学院的奥立维·布登教授说:“拿破仑兵败的根源在于,自由和平等的大革命理念意味着一切民族压迫行为都失去了合法性。”与“自由和平等的大革命理念”有关的文献是( )A.《权利法案》 B.《独立宣言》C.《人权宣言》 D.《共.产.党宣言》
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