
4.在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是 《<考古录>校注》氤氲千载古文明,    ,    ,    ,    ,     ,    。 (1)意大利哲学家克罗齐有言“一切历史都是当代史” (2)名城古邑向历史打开一扇窗 (3)让人们在历史的幽谷中聆听远古的呼唤 (4)在时代的梦境中追寻未来的意义 (5)转身,向未来打开一扇门 (6)迸发千年原动力 A. (4)(5)(2)(1)(6)(3) B. (6)(3)(4)(1)(2)(5) C. (2)(1 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Children with learning disabilities (LD) often have problems. For many, strong feelings of 1, anger, sadness, or shame can lead to  2difficulties such as anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. These problems can be far more than the academic challenges themselves. Several leading experts in the field of LD have offered  3to parents on ways to help  4their children from these problems. To be most effective in supporting your child,   5can help to understand some underlying(not easily noticed)  6for the psychological and emotional challenges he(she) may   7. First, it is not difficult to see   8children with LD are at greater risk for developing psychological difficulties  9one considers the repeated failure they experience as they   10their way through the educational system, which may misunderstand or ignore their needs.   11their efforts to "try harder," children with LD may receive little   12feedback. Their academic struggles and failures are often met with   13by teachers, peers, and parents. Such disapproval can take the form of negative labeling of a child as "slow," "lazy," or "dumb."  14developing a sense of pride in their accomplishments, children with LD may   15in frustration and shame. Low self-esteem and a lack of confidence only further   16with learning and academic success. The second reason is the   17difficulties they often experience. Research indicates that as many as 75% of kids with LD have such difficulties as making and keeping friends. Children with learning disabilities are less   18, and often rejected by their peers. Teachers and other adults also may   19to have negative views of children with learning disabilities. Such social rejection can result in loss of self-esteem and feelings of loneliness, which,   20, may lead to psychological difficulties such as anxiety and depression. 1.A. frustration            B. excitement           C. surprise         D. curiosity 2.A. academic           B. cultural         C. physical         D. psychological 3.A. help               B. suggestions          C. chances          D. comments 4.A. prevent                B. protect              C. prohibit             D. persuade 5.A. they               B. parents          C. it                   D. experts 6.A. excuses                B. opinions         C. directions           D. reasons 7.A. expect             B. imagine          C. face                 D. ignore 8.A. why                B. where                C. which                D. when 9.A. unless             B. though               C. if                   D. because 10.A. feel              B. find             C. change               D. fight 11.A. Without               B. Despite          C. Through          D. Due to 12.A. positive              B. negative         C. subjective           D. sensitive 13.A. support               B. sympathy             C. disapproval          D. complaint 14.A. Other than            B. Rather than          C. More than            D. Less than 15.A. stay up               B. turn up          C. pick up          D. end up 16.A. compare           B. mix              C. interfere            D. compete 17.A. social                B. economic         C. technical            D. learning 18.A. invited               B. accepted         C. criticized           D. impressed 19.A. tend              B. wait             C. manage           D. desire 20.A. in general            B. in particular        C. in total             D. in turn
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