
下列选项符合图示含义的是( ) A.随pH从5升高到7,酶的活性逐渐降低 B.随pH从5升高到7,酶的最适温度不变 C.温度从O→A变化过程中,酶的活性逐渐降低 D.该酶的最适pH为7 答案:解:A、随pH值从5升高到7,酶的活性先升高后降低,A错误; B、随pH值从5升高到7,酶的最适温度始终为A,B正确; C、温度从O→A变化过程中,酶的活性逐渐升高,C错误; D、pH值为6时反应物剩余量最少,该酶的最适pH值为6,D错误. 故选:B.词汇运用。1. His left knee was hurt in a t_______ accident.2. I am a hundred p_______ in agreement with you.3. I have an a_______ with my doctor this afternoon.3. The number of population _______ (increasing) quickly. 5. The population of this city _______ (be) not large.6. Those poor children need somewhere _______ (live). 7. You should protect the children from _______ (catch) cold.  8. How long does it take you _______ (walk) 50 meters? 9. That easy chair takes up too much _______ (room).
生物 试题推荐