
INDEPENDENCE Most people in the US believe that independence is very important. They do not think of themselves as representatives of their families, communities, or social class. Students think those who depend on their family are dependent. Teachers expect students to be independent, to work alone, and to produce original work. EQUALITY The Declaration of Independence states, “All men are created equal. In many ways, people believe this; you can see equality in such common practices as waiting in line. When you go to the bank or to the post office, you will be asked to take a numb下列词语中注音不正确的一项是A、敕造(chì) 歆享(xīn) 间或一轮(jiàn ) 数见不鲜(shuò) B、便宜(biàn) 吞噬(shì) 皮开肉绽(zhàn) 翘足而待(qiáo) C、惫懒(bèi) 蹂躏(lìn) 少不更事(gēng) 模棱两可(léng) D、朱拓(tà) 祷告(dǎo) 心广体胖(pàng) 厚古薄今(báo)
英语 试题推荐