
Superstorm Sandy’s march of destruction claimed at least 43 lives and left more than eight million people without electricity by late Tuesday, in one of the largest storms ever to strike the East Coast. Less violent but still dangerous, the storm swept across Pennsylvania on Tuesday and the northeastern US began its slow process of recovery. As dawn broke Tuesday on the storm’s trail of destruction, it began exposing stories of heroism and tragedy, bad decisions and lucky breaks. In Broad Channel in New York City, a 29-year-old mother was forced to dive and swim out of her house’s f对于诱惑,下列同学看法错误的是A.小丁认为诱惑是无法避免的,所以没有人可以抗拒诱惑B.小明认为战胜不良诱惑还应保持清醒的头脑,要有科学方法C.小林认为勇敢的人勇于战胜不良诱惑,聪明的人是能想出各种办法抗拒不良诱惑的D.小红认为诱惑不一定是坏事,只要善于区分,“择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之”,就能避免损失
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