
Visiting Artist Series is a yearlong celebration of the arts at The Magic House, St. Louis Children’s Museum. One weekend every month, museum visitors have the opportunity to learn from a variety of professional artists as they demonstrate (示范) their techniques. Children are invited to work alongside the artists and explore similar materials as they join in the fun of the creative process. Visiting Artist Workshops and performances are free with Museum admission.Workshops  run  throughout  the  day and  no  registration  is  required.  Live  performances  are  presented  a某同学选择下列装置进行了如下实验,请根据操作填空: ⑴写出图中序号对应的仪器名称:①            ,②            ; ⑵用高锰酸钾固体制取干燥的O2,所选用的装置连接顺序是                  ; ⑶该同学用B和C制取了另一种常见的气体,你认为制取的气体是       ,反应的化学方程式为                                         ; ⑷他选用固、液两种药品,利用B、C或B、E都可以制取某气体,且反应后固体的质量和化学性质均未改变,则该固体药品在反应中的作用是         ,反应的化学方程式为            。
英语 试题推荐