
根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Polly can't ______ (计算出) math problems. 2. He felt very tired because he______ (熬夜) all night. 3. They made the cards ______ (手工). 4. His sister goes shopping ______ (每周两次). 5. Look, your face is dirty. Go and wash it ______ (立刻). 6. Can you ______ (照相) for me? 7. There is a big desk ______ ( 在……的后面) the classroom. 8. ______ (怎么样) Kangkang's birthday party? 9. I can perform ballet ______ (也). 10. Lucy ______ go to bed ______ (直到……才) Lily came back home.
英语 试题推荐