
在学习《常见的动物》后,小明同学观察了三种动物:草履虫、青蛙、猫。图中圆圈表示三种动物具有的特征,重合部分表示它们共同特征。以下说法正确的是( ) A . ①可以代表三者都需要摄取食物 B . ②可以表示二者的生殖方式相同 C . ③可以表示三者都有恒定的体温 D . ④可以表示二者都用肺进行呼吸选词填空。根据语境,用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。(每个短语仅使用一次)stand for; every four years; take part in; as well; play an important role in; as a matter of fact; join in; compete for; be admitted as; on a regular basis【1】The group meets _____________, usually once a week or twice a week.【2】It’s much easier to understand if we know what all of those pictures ____________. 【3】Often life is much slower in small cities, as is true in other countries ____________. 【4】It seems as if he didn’t care about your praise, but ____________, he thinks highly of it.【5】I asked for a day’s leave because I had to ______________ the driving test.【6】The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world and are held ______________.【7】I am proud of our school and feel lucky to ______________ one of its students.【8】Runners from many countries are _____________ the international prize.【9】It’s no use trying to persuade him; he’s made up his mind not to ___________ the game.【10】This experience, however, has taught me that parents should ___________________ educating their children.
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