
听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1) What's Linda's problem? A . She doesn't work hard. B . She doesn't feel well. C . She has no friends. (2) What will Mr. White talk about at the parents' meeting? A . Linda's problem. B . Their daily life. C . His country. (3) Why does the teacher invite Mr. White to speak at the parents' meeting? A . To ask other parents to teach their children. B . To make other children notice Linda. C . To help others understand Linda better.巴西是南美洲经济最发达的国家,第20届世界杯足球赛将于2014年6月12日至7月13日在巴西举行。读图回答问题。(1)巴西大部分国土位于半球与西半球;按照其经济发展水平该国属于国家。(2)巴西北部有世界上流域面积最广、水量最大的河流是河。该河流域分布的被称之为“地球之肺”,由于过度开发,该资源的面积不断缩小。(3)仔细观察图中城市的图例符号,归纳巴西主要城市分布特点:。(4)巴西世界杯足球赛比赛期间,菏泽市的气候特点是。(5)中国是巴西的主要贸易伙伴,下列农矿产品中,中国从巴西进口较多的是( )。A.稻谷和小麦B.煤炭和棉花C.石油和天然气D.铁矿石和大豆。
英语 试题推荐