
1. 详细信息

根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词, 每空一词。

1Jackie Chan is a f___________ actor. A lot of people know him.

2Tommy likes telling funny jokes. We always l___________ after hearing them.

3Most Chinese students usually go to school b___________ bus. That’s cheap.

4My father has two bad t___________, so he has to see a dentist.

5The woman is unhealthy because she h___________ ever exercises.

2. 详细信息


healthy  quickly  difference  her  worried

1 A healthy lifestyle is good for my ___________.

2---My mother is ill in hospital.             

---Don’t ___________. I think she can be better soon.

3Her eating habits are ___________ from my eating habits.

4Dave gets up early and has a ___________ breakfast every day.

5Cindy and I have black hair, but my hair is shorter than ___________.

3. 详细信息


---I'm too ______.

---I think you should drink some water.

               Astressed out          Bthirsty          Ctired            Dhungry

4. 详细信息

The movie is good. ______, I can’t watch it because I have tennis training with the school team.

          AHowever      BSo         CAnd          DAlthough

5. 详细信息

When you have a ______, you should drink hot tea with honey.

               Astomachache         Btoothache         Csore back       Dsore throat

6. 详细信息

My sister and I _______ like sports.

               Aall                        Bwhole                      Cboth                     Dtoo

7. 详细信息

---Can you come to my party this Wednesday?

---______. I have to study for my math test.

               ASorry, I can’t                        BYes, I can              

               CSure, I’d love to                   DNo, I can’t

8. 详细信息

It usually takes me half an hour ______ the Internet every Saturday.

               Asurf                  Bsurfing              Csurfs             Dto surf

9. 详细信息

---______ hours do you sleep every day?


               AHow far            BHow long      CHow often        DHow many

10. 详细信息

Listening to music always makes me ______ happy.

               Astay             Bto stay             Cstaying           Dstays

11. 详细信息

My cousin is ______ than me.

               Amuch serious                                            Bmuch more serious

               Ca little serious                                            Dlittle more serious

12. 详细信息

I have to look ______ my mother because she is ill.

               Alike                       Bafter                        Cin                         Dat

13. 详细信息

There was too much homework today. I did it ______ 11 o’clock pm.

               Aat                         Bfrom                        Cuntil                     Dfor

14. 详细信息

---We’re going to Hawaii for vacation.

         ---______! It’s a good place for vacation!

               AWhat a pity                      BThat’s too bad

               CSure                                DThat sounds interesting

15. 详细信息

My sister Mary likes to eat ___________ food ___________ me.

Athe same, as            Bsame, like                 Call, to                    Dthe all, with

16. 详细信息

---Tom, how often does your father go fishing?  


               ATwo fish                                                   BTwo days             

               CTwice a week                                            DNear the river

17. 详细信息

--- _____?

   --- It’s Monday, 29th.

   AWhat day is today                                    BWhat’s today

   CWhat’s the date                                        DWhat is the time

18. 详细信息


1I’m visiting my grandmother for vacation. (对划线部分提问)

___________ are you ___________ for vacation?

2Jane rides a bike to school. (对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________ Jane get to school?

3Tim is tall. And Jim is taller. (变成同义句)

Jim is ___________ ___________ Tim.

4You should drink hot tea with honey. (对划线部分提问)

___________ should I ___________?

5Playing soccer with friends is very interesting. (变成同义句)

___________ is very interesting ___________ play soccer with friends.

19. 详细信息


aHe’s funnier than I am, and he’s wilder while I am a little quieter.

bWhy is Sam your good friend?

cAre you good at sports, too?

dWhat else do you like about him?

eWell, I like sports but Sam is more athletic than me. I’d say, we’re both pretty outgoing though.

fBecause he likes to do the same things as I do. He is good at sports.

正确的顺序是:___b____  ________  _______  ________  _______  _______

20. 详细信息


A)        英语学习中心要招聘一位英语教师,请你帮忙补全此招聘广告,每空一词。

                 Teacher ____1____

English Study Center needs a weekend teacher for primary school students. Can you speak English ____2____? Are you outgoing and ____3____ with children? If so, please call English Study Center ____4____ 443-5667 for more ____5____.

B) 你的朋友(Mona)邀请你(Tony)下周来家做客,但你下周已有安排,不能去。请根据下面的表格写一封回信表达谢意及歉意,并说明不能去的原因。至少60词。


21. 详细信息


Michael: Hello, Nancy. You don’t look well. ____1___?

Nancy: I have a cold.

Michael: I’m ____2___to hear that. You should go to hospital and see a doctor.

Nancy: I think I should. And are you going anywhere for vacation?

Michael: I’m going to ____3___

Nancy: Europe? What are you doing there?

Michael: I’m going hiking and sightseeing.

Nancy: ____4___are you staying?

Michael: Just one week.

Nancy: Well, ___5____!

Michael: Thank you.

22. 详细信息


Catch the thief

       One Wednesday morning, Tom walked down the street as usual (往常). But ___1___ eleven o’clock, he ___2___a sound (声音) of guns(). It was from the bank. ___3___he ran to the bank quickly and saw a man coming out. The man was ___4___and fat with red hair. More important, he had a bag of ___5___and a gun in his hands. Before Tom could do anything, the man ran up the street and disappeared (消失) behind a tree.

       That afternoon, Tom went to the ___6___. When he was watching the movie, he saw the tall man again (). So he telephoned the police at once. The police ___7___ the cinema very ___8___. Only two minutes later, they caught the thief just when he was leaving the cinema.

       What ___9___ interesting day for Tom! And best of all, the bank gave him 100 dollars ___10___a reward (奖励).   

    1AOn                 BAt                           CFor                      DIn

    2Amade              Blooked                     Cheard                   Dcame

    3ASo                  BBecause                  CBefore                  DBut

    4Ashort              Bmedium height          Cthin                       Dtall

    5Abooks             Bcoffee                      Cmoney                  Dhoney

    6Apolice station   Bbank                        Cbus station           Dcinema

    7Agot to             Bleft                          Cran away               Dwalked to

    8Aslowly()      Bquickly                    Cangrily(生气地)    Dlate

    9A/                    Ban                           Ca                           Dthe

    10Alike               Bfor                          Cto                          Das

23. 详细信息

                         Hard work pays off


       Two sisters found work as saleswomen in a company. The first month was not easy. They worked very hard but sold nothing. The younger sister gave up (放弃) in the second month. She left the company and found another job. The older sister stayed. She said she wanted to have one last try.

      One year later, the older sister owned (拥有) a car and a house. But the younger sister was still poor (贫穷的). She asked her sister, “Why?”

       The older sister said, “I got my first order (订单) the day you left. They liked my work. So they gave me more orders. Now life is good for me.”

       So, keep working and never give up. You’ll get what you want.


    1The two sisters worked in the same company at first.

    2The two sisters didn’t work hard, so they sold nothing.

    3The older sister gave up in the second month.

    4The older sister was richer than the younger sister one year later.

    5If you want to get something, you should keep working and never give up.

24. 详细信息



A boy or a girl to deliver(投递) newspapers.

Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Mondays to Saturdays

Wages(工资): $ 4 every day

It would be an advantage (优势) if he / she had a bicycle.

Write to Mr. Jones Newsagent(报摊).



Mr. Jones wants a boy or a girl to deliver ____1____. It would be a good thing if the boy / girl had a ____2____. He needs the boy / girl to work ____3____ hours a week. The boy / girl will get ____4____ dollars a week. You can write to Mr. ___5____.

25. 详细信息

                            Sleeping Pills(药片)

      Mr. Smith works in an office. He's very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, he's always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper. So it's usually too late when Mr. Smith can go to bed, but he has to get up early next morning.

      One day the man didn’t feel well and couldn't go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs. Smith went to the hospital with him. Before her husband said something about his illness, the woman told the doctor all and the doctor understood(明白) why. He wrote out a prescription(处方). And when Mrs. Smith brought the medicine back to the doctor, the doctor said to her, "The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills are for you."

      "For me?" the woman said in surprise, "I'm fine. I don't need any medicine!"

     "I don't think so, madam," said the doctor. "They're sleeping pills. Your husband will soon get well if you take them."


    1Mr. Smith always wants to ________ when he comes back home.

               Atalk with his wife                    Bgo to a doctor

                Cgo to bed early                    Dtake some medicine

    2It is usually ________ when Mr. Smith can go to bed.

               Atoo late                                Bearly                       

               Cquick                                   Dtoo different

    3Mr. Smith couldn’t go to work one day because ________.

               Ahe wanted to talk with his wife  Bhe didn’t feel well                 

               Che was too busy                       Dhe didn’t get up

    4The pills are for ________.

               AMr. Smith                                Bthe doctor                            

               CMr. and Mrs. Smith                 DMrs. Smith

    5Mr. Smith can feel well if ________ .

               AMrs. Smith takes the bottle of medicine

               BMr. Smith takes the pills

               CMr. Smith takes the bottle of medicine

               DMrs. Smith stops talking too much at night



    6Mr. Smith is very busy

    7Mrs. Smith always has a lot of interesting things to tell Mr. Smith,

    8Mr. Smith couldn’t go to work

    9Mrs. Smith told the doctor all about her husband’s illness,

    10The bottle of medicine was for Mr. Smith,


Aand has no time to have a good rest.

Band they went to see a doctor

Cthen the doctor knew why.

Dso Mr. Smith can’t go to bed early.

E. and the pills were for Mrs. Smith.

26. 详细信息

The summer holiday began and Richard left California and went traveling in AfricAHe lost his wallet in a hotel and he had a little money left. He had to go to a city where one of his friends worked. There he wanted to borrow some money so that he could fly back to his country. He got on a bus and the conductor(售票员) showed him a yellow ticket(). “You’d better buy a yellow ticket,” said the conductor. “It’s ten dollars. I have two other kinds. The red one is five dollars and the green one is three dollars.”

       It took them two days to get to the city. The passengers had to stay for a night when they were halfway. Richard had to pay five dollars for the hotel and food. He thought for a while and then said, “Green, please.”

       The bus started. Now it was getting dark and the bus began to go up a hill. It was very steep(陡峭的) and soon the bus stopped as usual.

       “Yellow ticket passengers,” the driver shouted. “Stay in the bus, please. Red ticket passengers, get out and walk. Green ticket passengers, get out, close the door and push() the bus!”


    1Where did Richard go traveling?

               AIn Africa.       BOn a hill.           CIn a city.       DIn America.

    2Why did he want to go to the city?

               ABecause his summer holiday began.            

               BBecause he bought a green ticket.

               CBecause he wanted to borrow some money from his friend.

               DBecause he had a lot of money.

    3What ticket did Richard buy?

               AA green ticket.                                           BA yellow ticket.        

               CA red ticket.                                              DA blue ticket.

    4What did Richard have to do when the bus stopped?

               AHe had to stay in the bus.                           BHe had to push the bus.

               CHe had to get out and walk.                        DHe had to lie down and rest.

    5Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

               ARichard lost his wallet in a hotel.                                                    

               BA red ticket was five dollars.

               CThe bus stopped when it went up a hill.

               DRichard went to the city by plane.