
阅读理解 During my free time one day, I wandered down a lonely path into the woods and sat against a tree. Then I saw one of the camp counselors approaching me. Oh great, I thought, since counselors were always trying to cheer you up or make you laugh. Hey, he said, mind if I have a seat? I shrugged(耸肩). I wasn't going to encourage him, but I couldn't exactly stop him, either. He sat down alongside me and extended a hand. I'm Gary, he said, and you're Erica, right? I nodded. You don't exactly look like you're having a good time, he began. I crossed my arms and gritted my teeth. Look, I2015年1月14日上午,北京城区迎来了今年的第一场降雪,伴着寒风,小雪很快洒遍了京城的大街小巷。据此完成以下问题。1.形成本次降雪的天气系统是下列选项中的( )2.下列选项中正确表示该天气系统过境时气温变化的是( )
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