
阅读理解 Princess quiz time! How did Snow Whitesurvive? How did Cinderella (《灰姑娘》) leave her evil stepmother? How didSleeping Beauty finally wake up? A kind-hearted person always comes to savethe princess, like a prince or a godmother. Princesses cannot protectthemselves, though they are very pretty and nice. They always need the help ofothers. However, in fact, women can't put theirlife in the hands of a prince-like man. They need to work and even fight fortheir own happiness. The traditional image(形象) of a princess is getting out of date. Recently, Disney, a company famous 在敦煌艺术中,魏晋南北朝时期的壁画大多宣传佛教悲惨牺牲的善行和现实的悲苦无奈;隋唐壁画则更多地宣传享受和娱乐,表现幸福与祥和;宋朝壁画中,世俗场景大量渗入佛界。这种变化反映了 A.佛教文化的中国化B.艺术内容的时代性C.中外文化的交融性D.艺术形式的多样化 
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