
下图是人体局部环境示意图,据图回答下列有关问题: (1) 若某人长期营养不良,血浆中蛋白质减少,会引起图甲中[] (填字母和名称)中的液体增多,其结果将会引起组织。 (2) 内环境指乙图中标号等部分,此图表示了细胞与周围环境的关系,其中毛细血管壁细胞生活的具体内环境是(填标号) 。CO2浓度最高的为图乙中的[]。 (3) 血浆、组织液和淋巴三者之间既有密切关系,又有一定区别。一般情况下,④与⑥成分上的主要区别5.Once upon a time,there was a forest where all the animals lived happily together.One day a family went to spend the day in the countryside,and one little boy left his socks there.Soon after the family left,a goose came by and found the socks.(71)BThey fit so well,and he liked them so much that he wouldn't take them off.He spent his days walking through the forest in the socks.(72)EAnd some of them were a bit envious(嫉妒的)that he was getting so much attention.Before long,in that forest,there began appearing monkeys in shirts,a rabbit with a hat on,and even a little pig who wore a pair of glasses!Doctor Bear shook his head,telling people,"(73)AAnimals don't wear clothes,and we don't need them."But the rabbit didn't listen to him.(74)COne day,the rabbit tried to fit into his hole without first taking his hat off.He was stuck in that hole all day.Those who listened to the Doctor's advice didn't have any accidents.(75)DWearing them had been very silly,They had only done it to make others envious of them,and to get attention.把A-E五个选项填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确.A.This can't be good.B.The goose decided to try them on.C.He said Doctor Bear was just old-fashioned.D.The animals realized that they didn't need clothes at all.E.All the animals talked about the goose's new look.
生物 试题推荐