
物质的性质决定物质的用途.下列说法错误的是() A . 氧气具有助燃性,可用作燃料 B . 氢氧化钠固体易潮解,可用作某些气体的干燥剂 C . 盐酸能与金属氧化物反应,可用于金属除锈 D . 干冰升华时吸热,可用于人工降雨 答案:AI have a good friend.Her name is Judy.Though we often ______ with each other about little things,we are still good friends.I want to tell you a story between us.It was a(n) ______ day.I was running around doing what I needed to do.Then I stopped ______ I felt my cellphone vibrating (震动)in my pocket.I ______ keep my phone on.In the event of an emergency (紧急情况),my family and friends can get in touch with ______.It was an emergency.There was a ______ in my family.I couldn't move or think after receiving the call.I excused myself from work early.I ______ to my apartment and didn't know what to do next.I wondered if I wanted to call my friend,Judy.Death is a sensitive (敏感的)subject for some people.After thinking for a while,I decided to call her.I ______ she wouldn't refuse to help me.I was so ______ that I made the call.Without a second thought,she said,“I'll be right over there.” When I saw her,I was touched.Having my friend there,holding me in silence (沉默),______ the world to me.I was so grateful to my friend.1.A. continue B. argue C. depend D. provide2.A. usual B. proper C. exciting D. fair3.A. but B. before C. because D. so4.A. finally B. perhaps C. instead D. always5.A. me B. you C. her D. them6.A. cloud B. member C. deal D. death7.A. compared B. dropped C. returned D. traveled8.A. guessed B. explained C. advised D. disagreed9.A. nervous B. glad C. angry D. clever10.A. reached B. stood C. meant D. gave
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