
根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 I could feel the judging eyes of my family burning a hole into the back of my head as I picked up my phone. All of a sudden, the chattering in the living room died and all I could hear was the sound of the turkey sizzling (发出嘶嘶声) in the oven. “Look at her! She's been on her phone all day long! It's all your fault! Children will never respect elders if they are not taught how to behave! ” my grandmother shouted. I was very shocked and angry! I opened my mouth to say something, but words failed me and I just sat down quietly on the chair l阅读材料,完成下列问题。材料一 城市人口占总人口比重的高低,在一定程度上反映了一个国家和地区的社会经济发展水平。目前,世界上发达国家70%以上的人口居住在城市,发展中国家城市人口的比重也在不断上升。城市人口的大量增加,为城市建设和发展提供了充足的劳动力,但由此也产生了许多社会问题。材料二 人口迁移示意图。(1)简述农村人口向城市迁移的原因。(2)城市人口的大量增加,会产生哪些社会问题?(3)谈谈你对城市人口过快增加有哪些建议?
英语 试题推荐