
阅读理解February 14th, Valentine's Day, is a complicated but interesting occasion. First of all, Valentine's Day is not a holiday from work. No one gets a day off. In many countries it is observed by sending cards to your friends and candies or flowers to your husband or wife if you're married, or to your boyfriend or girlfriend if you're not married. In Japan, some girls even give their fathers chocolates. Why is this holiday for people in love called Valentine's Day? One explanation comes from a Christian man whose name was something like Valentine. He lived at a time when the Roman Empe14.下列关于两极地区的叙述,正确的是(  )A.淡水资源都缺乏B.北极地区主体是陆地,南极地区主体是海洋C.北极地区比南极地区冷D.都位于高纬度,是冰雪覆盖的地区
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