
阅读理解 Looking at China's history over the past 60 years,it is apparent that,despite much suffering,the country has achieved huge political,economic and social success,especially during the past three decades. The press center for the celebration of the 60th founding anniversary of new China was officially opened on the morning of September 22. Zha Shouchen,deputy director of the press center introduced that,during the National Day,there would be 3,200 domestic reporters,and more than 1,300 foreign journalists to come to Beijing to make the covering work. The press cent教育部发布新规定,学生每年进行一次体质健康测试,其中引体向上(男)、仰卧起坐(女)等是重要的测试项目,请根据图示,用知识回答问题。(1)写出图乙中相应结构的名称:[1]_____,[2]_____。(2)由图中可知,一块骨骼肌至少固定在_____块骨上,使肌肉附着在骨上的结构是_____。(3)图甲所示,在你立定跳远的过程中,膝关节中能够减少摩擦、缓冲机械压力的结构是[_____]_____,内有_____,请写出人体的一个关节_____。(4)图乙中,做引体向上动作时,受到神经传来的兴奋刺激,[1]处于_____状态,[2]处于_____状态,牵引身体向上运动。
英语 试题推荐