
阅读理解After seeing the famous movie series Pirates of the Caribbean 《加勒比海盗》),Alexander Marchenko, a 38-year-old businessman from a small Russian village, decided to build his very own copy of the Black Pearl pirate ship.Marchenko has traveled all over Rusia, and believes that there is no other land more beautiful than his hometown. He decided to take advantage of the beautiful environment and build a hotel.He had noticed the other restaurants and hotels in the area all looked the same way,so he tried to come up with something special that would attract visitors. He was wo在平面直角坐标系内,反比例函数和二次函数y=k(x2+x-1)的图象交于点A(1,k)和点B(-1,-k).(1)当k=-3时,求反比例函数的解析式;(2)在(1)的条件下,在第四象限中,x为何值,反比例函数小于二次函数?(3)要使反比例函数和二次函数都是y随着x的增大而增小,求k应满足的条件以及x的取值范围.
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