
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Working during the summer when school isout of session is a great opportunity for teenagers to make money and build uptheir independence. As a high schooler, you may feel as thoughyou lack the necessary experience to obtain a perfect position. .Starting your job search early isn't the only thing you can do to increase yourchances, so here are a few more tips:⒈ Ask AroundFriends, neighbors, and other parents aregoing to be your most valuable means of finding gainful employment during thesummer. They know 下列法律文件中,最早明确倡导“自由、平等”民主原则的是(    ) A.《权利法案》                          B.《独立宣言》 C.《人权宣言》                          D.《拿破仑法典》
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