
阅读理解Hot Dog is popular.It's not a dog, but a cooked sausage in a long piece of bread. Here aresome stories and facts about it from English websites. (1) Americans started the tradition of eating hot dogs at baseball parks in . A . 1871 B . 1893 C . 1901 D . 1949 (2) It's believed that the name Hot Dog was created by . A . Tad Dorgan B . Charles Feltman C . Chris Von Der Ahe D . Johann Georghehner (3) What can we know about hot dogs from the passage? A . New Yorkers like eating hot dogs most in the world. B . Germans eat about 150 milli识图回答下列问题:(1)[1] 和[4] 合称表皮,起 作用.(2)[2]和[3]合称 ,在其中含有大量的叶绿体,所以叶片呈绿色.(3)[5] 起支持和疏导作用.(4)叶与外界进行气体交换的“窗口”是[ ] ,它由一对[ ]  构成,与[6]开闭关系密切的物质是 .
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