
你所在的英语社团正在开展我为英雄代言主题演讲活动。请你写一篇演讲稿,要点如下:1)你要代言的英雄;2)简述英雄事迹;3)你的感想。注意:1)词数80左右;2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。MyHero 答案:My Hero Many heroes have an enormous impact on my growth, one of whom is Lin Qiaozhi. It's universally acknowledged that Lin Qiaozhi is an expert in women's and children's disease. However, what's unknown is that she went through hardships one after another before she became a doctor. There was a time when girls had little access to schooling, but she made it. Later, she devoted all her life to th据有关资料报道:目前全球海水淡化日产量约为3500万产方米,其中80%用于饮用水,解决了1亿多人的用水问题.现在所用的海水淡化的方法有很多种,其中一种是蒸馏法,即将海水中的水蒸发而把盐留下,再将水蒸气冷凝为液态的淡水.以上过程涉及到关于水的物态变化有 [     ]A.汽化 凝固B.汽化 液化C.液化 凝华D.升华 凝华
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