
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。During the outbreak of COVID-19, reducing human contact doesn't lessen drivers' sense of humanity. Meituan says 1 given to drivers by customers have tripled and drivers' status have 2 a lot since the outbreak.Gao Zhixiao, a delivery driver, has3working as the virus spread across China.To4spreading germs(病毒) during his route, he has to take a5testeach morning and spend twenty minutes disinfecting his motorcycle and clothes.“Because I am also from a single- pare试管婴儿、试管苗和克隆羊均属于生物工程技术的杰出成果,下面叙述正确是(   ) A.都属于无性生殖能保持母本性状 B.都有细胞工程的相关技术参与 C.都充分体现了体细胞的全能性 D.都不会发生基因重组和变异
英语 试题推荐