
阅读理解Tiantian Clothes StoreClothesColorPricepantswhite, blue$16shoesblack, brown$20skirtRed, yellow$32socksWhite, black, red$6shirtOrange, blue$28 (1) The prices of a skirt and a shirt are ______. A . $36 B . $60 C . $50 (2) Lucy likes white and she only has $10, she can buy ______. A . a pair of pants B . a skirt C . a pair of socks (3) People can buy ______ at this store. A . yellow pants B . a white skirt C . brown shoes (4) Mrs. Brown has $40 and she can buy _____ with it. A . pants and shoes B . a shirt and shoes C . soc1.下面各诗句中描述的情景不会在古代陆上丝绸之路出现的是(  )A.黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山B.青海长云暗雪山,孤城遥望玉门关C.黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙D.葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催
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