
在玻璃瓶里装一些红色的水,取一根两端开口的细玻璃管,让玻璃管穿过橡皮塞插入水中,并从管子上端吹入少量气 体,这样小明就制成了一个简易的多功能物理实验演示器.当把此装置从山脚带到山顶时,发现玻璃管内液面升高,这说明;取一吸管,靠近玻璃管口,通过吸管向右吹气,如图所示,发现玻璃管内液面上升,这说明;将瓶内灌满水,塞紧塞子,用力挤压瓶子,发现玻璃管内液面上升,这 说明.  口语运用。在方框中选择答案完成对话。 A: Hi, Vera. How was your vacation? B: It was great. A: Where did you go? B:   1       A: Really? Wow! What did you do there? B: Well, we went to a lot of museums. A. Did you meet any Japanese people? B. How were the stores? C. I went to Tokyo with my family. D. How was the food? E. But they were also very crowded. A: Oh, how were they? B: They were really interesting.   2    A: Did you go shopping? B: Yeah, I did. A:    3    B: Oh, they were very expensive. A: And how were the people?   4    B: Yeah, the people were really friendly. My parents have some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at their house. A:    5     B: It was delicious. I love Japanese food!
物理 试题推荐