
下列有关叙述,正确的是( ) A . XY型性别决定的生物,Y染色体都比X染色体短小 B . XY型染色体决定的生物,体细胞中含有性染色体上的基因 C . ZW型性别决定的生物,ZW为雄性,ZZ为雌性。 D . 含X染色体的配子是雌配子,含Y染色体的配子是雄配子 答案:B听句子,根据所听内容选出与你所听到的句子意思相近的句子。句子读一遍。(     )1. A. Please don't forget to give Tom the money.            B. Please remember to tell Tom that he has got the money.            C. Please remember that I have given Tom some money. (     )2. A. I want to help you to learn the meaning of this.            B. I just want to give you a little help.            C. I wonder how I can help you. (     )3. A. I don't want to use your bathroom.            B. You can use my bathroom.            C. May I use your bathroom. (     )4. A. He will go to London in a few days.            B. He will go away from London in two days.            C. He will start for London tomorrow.(     )5. A. I'm sorry if you're unhappy.            B. I'm sorry if you're angry because of me.            C. I feel bad if you are sad.
生物 试题推荐