
驻马店市气象台2022年6月4日发布暴雨红色预警:目前我市已出现90毫米的降水,预计未来3小时内降雨量将达100毫米以上且强降雨可能持续,请注意防范强降雨引发的次生灾害,政府及相关部门按照职责做好防暴雨应急和抢险工作。据此完成问题。 (1) 此次暴雨可能引发的自然灾害有()①洪涝②地震③泥石流④滑坡⑤台风 A . ①③⑤ B . ②③⑤ C . ②④⑤ D . ①③④ (2) 当山区发生泥石流时,正确的避灾方法有() A . 就近爬上高树根据句意及汉语提示完成单词【1】Traveling by bus is a good way to see the city,especially from the __ (顶部)of a doubledecker bus(双层巴士).【2】There are some __ (差别)between American English and British English.【3】You can't learn a language well without __ (足够的)practice.【4】There are a lot of clouds in the sky.You'd better take an __ (雨伞)with you.【5】This is our new teaching __ (建筑物).It's very tall.
地理 试题推荐