
在探究“冰熔化过程中温度的变化规律”的实验中。 (1) 实验时所用的温度计是根据液体的性质制成的。某时刻温度计的示数如图甲所示,此时冰的温度是℃。 (2) 根据实验数据,小勇画出了其温度随时间变化的图象如图乙所示,分析图象后可知:①冰熔化过程中,温度。②不考虑热量损失,第2~4min冰吸收的热量(选填“大于”、“小于或“等于”)第10﹣12min水吸收的热量。 (3) 若将试管中的水倒掉,装入另一种液体,按图完形填空,先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Life for the students in China is not easy. Their school days are very busy, they have 7 or 8 classes at school every day, but after school, they still need to do much homework. A lot of students complain that they are too ________ during the weekdays, they need free time to do things they like. However, teachers at school tell the students ________ except how to relax.How do students ________ their weekends? Last month, we did a survey at NO.5 Middle School about ________ they usually did on weekends. Here are the results of the ________ . 40% of students do homework or study at home. More than 20% of students watch TV or listen to music to relax ________ . Less than 20% of students like surfing the Internet and playing computer games for ________ . About 10% of students usually help their parents do ________ —— cleaning the room or washing the dishes. ________, another 5% of students have to go to different lessons, including language learning, math classes and instrument practicing.According to the survey results, half the students don’t relax well on weekends. A teacher ________ NO.5 Middle School said, “It’s important for students to have a good rest and keep healthy. Teachers and parents ________ help them learn to relax.” In the USA, most students have wonderful weekends. They may play sports or do some reading in the ________ with friends. They may ________ help parents do a yard sale. ________ the weather is nice, they will fly a kite in the park or enjoy the ________ on the beach.As an old saying goes: “All work no play makes Jack a dull* boy.” We hope students in China will have more free time to enjoy themselves.【1】A. happy B. tired C. relaxed D. boring【2】A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything【3】A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay【4】A. what B. how C. that D. which【5】A. story B. book C. survey D. note【6】A. himself B. herself C. ourselves D. themselves【7】A. money B. fun C. work D. study【8】A. housework B. homework C. schoolwork D. farm work【9】A. Happily B. Unhappily C. Fortunately D. Unfortunately【10】A. with B. for C. from D. about【11】A. should B. shouldn’t C. would D. wouldn’t【12】A. restaurant B. bank C. library D. station【13】A. too B. also C. either D. neither【14】A. Although B. But C. Because D. If【15】A. rain B. sunshine C. snow D. wind
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