
关于冰山上的积雪,说法正确的是 () A . 积雪只能熔化成水,流入江河湖海 B . 积雪只能升华成水蒸气散布在空中 C . 积雪既能熔化成水,也能升华成水蒸气 D . 积雪变成水蒸气只能先熔化再汽化 答案:C根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。 1.He is an        (诚实)boy. 2.We are         (关心)for the future of our company. 3.        (在之前)to the meeting we had discussed the matter among ourselves. 4.          (不幸地),I didn’t pass the exam. 5.This old table is a very valuable piece of        (家具). 6.The road is so         (狭窄的)that two cars can’t pass. 7. We must devote every effort to helping those        (无家可归的)children. 8.Nowadays the black and white TV set has been        (代替)with the colour TV set. 9.Alexander Bell           (发明)the telephone 100 years ago. 10.In my         (经验),very few people really understand the problem.
物理 试题推荐