
改革往往是时代的诉求,历史的选择。 (1) 北魏孝文帝为学习汉族的先进文化,将都城从平城到。 (2) 康有为等人发起的“公年上书”轰动全国,揭开了运动的序幕。 (3) 1952年底土地改革的完成消灭了阶级,农民成为土地的主人。 答案:【1】洛阳 【1】维新变法 【1】地主10.听第二篇短文,回答第16-20题.16.The young man wanted略.A.to learn to draw B.to buy an egg C.to learn to draw an egg 17.The old man略.A.didn't teach the young man B.couldn't draw wellC.taught the man to draw eggs18.The young man drew an egg quickly and略.A.gave it to the old man to look at B.left the old man's houseC.didn't draw eggs any longer19.The old man asked the young man to draw略.A.an egg in two minutes B.some good eggs in a few daysC.many eggs20.The old man thought略.A.he had no time to teach the young man B.it wasn't easy to draw an egg wellC.he was too old to teach the young man.
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