
阅读理解 Last week, my granddaughter started kindergarten, and I wished her every success. But part of me didn't. I actually wanted her to fail in some ways because I believe that failure can be good for our learning process. Success is proving that you can do something that you already know you can do, or doing something correctly the first time, which can often be a problematic victory. First-time success is usually a luck. First-time failure, however, is supposed to be the natural order of things. Failure is how we learn. In Africa they describe a good cook as “she who has broken many一辆坦克的质量为5t,发动机的额定功率为60kW,在平直的公路上行驶时所受的阻力为坦克重力的0.1倍,当其速度为10m/s时,加速度多大?坦克所能达到的最大速度是多少?
英语 试题推荐