
读甲、乙两省区轮廓示意图(如图),下列说法正确的是( )①甲是河南省,乙的行政中心是西安②a是太行山,其东侧是华北平原③b是秦岭,其南侧是半湿润地区④水土流失严重是甲、乙两省区共同面临的生态环境问题 A . ①② B . ②③ C . ③④ D . ②④ 答案:D 1.Look at the places where you can find information.Say them in English. 2.Now try to find the answers to these questions. 3.Work in small groups and compare your answer. 4.Make your own list of questions and give it to another group. How quickly can they find the answers? 5.Make a presentation to the class about your research.
地理 试题推荐