
请你根据短文内容选择最佳选项One day, three mice went on a picnic in the forest. They saw a big tree.It looks like a nice place(地方). Let's eat lunch under the tree. said the mother mouse.The baby mouse was eating a tasty(美味的) sandwich. Suddenly she saw some pretty butterflies(蝴蝶). They were flying behind the trees. She was so happy and ran towards(朝) them.Oh, Cici! Where are you going? I'm going to play with these butterflies. Be careful. A really scary(可怕的) cat lives in the forest.OK, Mum! I won't run far. Said Cici.The butterflies were flying and flying. Ci“花红虽好,需得绿叶扶持。”这可以看出是对侧面描写(衬托)的生动解释。清代刘熙载指出:“春之精神写不出,以草树写之;山之精神写不出,以烟霞写之。”这是教我们通过侧面描写来达到表达效果。请展开联想,在下面对人物描写的描写中,加进对外面的大雨和车上的肥胖乘客的侧面描写,来表现人力车夫劳作的艰辛和和内心的酸楚。可选“以景衬人、以物衬人、以人衬人、以物衬物”中的两种。三轮车夫皱着眉头,咬紧下唇,弓着背脊,在风雨中艰难地跋涉。那破旧不堪的衣衫,那青筋突起的手臂,那因过度用力而扭曲的脖颈,全都浸湿在雨帘中,与汗水混成一片。
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