
完形填空Li Lei has a good friend. 1 name is Jim. He is2 the USA. He likes3 food very much. He can 4 English and5 Chinese. Li Lei and Jim are in the same(相同的)6. They are classmates(同学). They go to school five 7 a week. They stay 8home on Saturdays and Sundays. At school they play 9 after class. They like swimming, 10. (1) A . He B . His C . He's D . Her (2) A . from B . to C . of D . after (3) A . China B . Chinas C . Chinese D . Japan (4) A . say 一点即通(巧加标点)。1.他(张择端)画了一幅名扬中外的画□□清明上河图□□2.2010年3月□山西省王家岭煤矿发生了漏水事故□有很多人被困在井下□
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