
阅读理解 David and his brother Greg don't go to school(上学) in the morning. They go to school after lunch, at one o'clock. They have math at 1:15. David likes math because it's interesting. Greg doesn't like math. David and Greg have PE after math. They like the teacher, Mr. Wright, and they like PE because it's fun. But Greg's favorite subject is Spanish(西班牙语) and David's favorite is music. He plays the piano( 钢琴) and the violin(小提琴). (1) David and Greg go to school ______. A . in the morning B . in the afternoon C . in the evening (2) _____1936年李宗仁发表了《焦土抗战论》,表示“用大刀阔斧来答复侵略者,表现中华民族自存自立之伟大能力与精神。”李宗仁抗战志向与决心在下列哪次战斗中得到体现 [     ]A.血染卢沟桥B.平型关大捷C.血战台儿庄D.百团大战
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