
酒精灯是实验室常用的热源。 (1) Ⅰ:如图是酒精灯的火焰示意图,该图中的①是;②是。 (2) Ⅱ:某小组同学对酒精灯火焰温度进行如下探究。定性研究:甲同学取一根火柴梗,拿住一端迅速平放入酒精灯火焰中,1~2秒后取出, 观察到位于外焰的部分明显碳化。该小组同学向老师请教,老师提示该层火焰与空气(或氧气)接触更充分。定量研究:乙和丙同学在老师指导下,分别利用高温传感器测得酒精灯各层火焰平均温度如下表:My wife and I were attending a wedding at St. John’s Church. The sound of______rang to the heavens as the ceremony continued.At the church, I______an old friend, Casper, who happened to be at the______. Now 73, Casper was a brilliant and______softball pitcher(投球手)back in the Men’s Leagues of Philadelphia in the mid-60s. I did not______the now silver-haired fellow until my brother-in-law John mentioned his name to me!After a very pleasant______, Casper asked if I remembered a letter of ______I had written to him back in 1964. It appeared Casper fell on hard times, as professional pitchers______do, and he wasn’t pitching too well for a period of time. I did not ______the letter, but he said, “Yes, I still have it and I read it anytime______aren’t going too well.” He said that he had read the letter many times, and the situation always seemed to improve. I was______and speechless!He continued, “You don’t remember?” I said, “Sadly, no, I don’t.” But I did ask if I could have a(n)______of the letter. He said he would email it to me. After the______, we met on the steps of the church. Casper came up to me and______the letter. He lived a block from the______and had run home to get it. The envelope was______and turned yellow, and so was the letter inside. That letter had to be nearly 50 years old.In______terms, the letter read:“These hard times are______!Keep your enthusiasm for the______. Never quit and you’ll be back on the top again______. Hang on there!”1.A. wind B. traffic C. music D. firework2.A. took over B. ran into C. picked up D. called on3.A. scene B. meeting C. service D. position4.A. limited B. balanced C. devoted D. talented5.A. recognize B. invite C. inform D. disturb6.A. discussion B. shaking C. journey D. greeting7.A. apology B. encouragement C. introduction D. appreciation8.A. rarely B. entirely C. sometimes D. forever9.A. receive B. write C. remember D. preserve10.A. things B. stages C. effects D. jobs11.A. pleased B. disappointed C. annoyed D. puzzled12.A. address B. copy C. record D. opinion13.A. break B. wedding C. party D. incident14.A. opened B. delivered C. presented D. dropped15.A. theatre B. church C. office D. station16.A. faded B. painted C. folded D. divided17.A. gentle B. patient C. modest D. simple18.A. relative B. impressive C. temporary D. reasonable19.A. game B. prize C. glory D. lesson20.A. properly B. shortly C. totally D. casually
科学 试题推荐