
古罗马文明是西方文明的重要源头之一。阅读材料,回答问题。材料一:罗马的法律和法学思想达到了古代世界高峰……罗马法学家将罗马法分为公法和私法……罗马法确定的概念和原则具有措词确切和结论明确的特点,对后世影响很大,成为近代法学发展的基础。当今资本主义法律三大基本原则,即法律面前人人平等、契约自由和产权不可侵犯,均发端于罗马法。罗马人确立的诉讼程序、律师制度、陪审制度等也为后世所承袭。 19 世纪拿玻仑制定 By 2010, people will know that a healthy, happy, loving family is a joy, and that it is a necessary foundation for building a strong society. But for most, this will not become reality. Too many people have already accepted the beliefs of the “me generation”, so they fail to realize that there is a time in life when they must get interested in sacrifice(奉献). At a time when adults need to care for the needs of their family, they will be influenced by other things. Some proudly sacrifice for a more powerful car or a big house. Some will be interested in taking risks, and others will recite phrases like “I must become the best I can be” or “I don’t want to be tied down”. The needs of their family will be lost in a wide set of things that must be done first. Many people have not actually experienced a strong positive family life, so they would like to deny its worth. And unfortunately, some will even believe it doesn’t exist. Many people have always experienced family life as a struggle, so they won’t find time and energy for a workshop, and probably won’t even recognize the need. But it is extremely important that we all have a healthy view. We need to value and enjoy what we can get from loving and truthful parents. People need a strong foundation, so it is important for our society that we encourage parents to work at creating love, joy and happiness in a pleasant atmosphere. 1. According to the author, the foundation of a strong society is ________. A. loving and committed parents     B. me generation C. the needs of a family         D. a healthy, happy, loving family 2. The best title for this passage is ________. A. Strengthening our Foundation     B. Me generation C. Worth of family life         D. A Healthy view of family
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