
阅读理解 I have beencarrying a notebook and pen around with me since I was three. I practicedletters over and over because the act of writing was appealing. Once I couldform words, I discovered the beauty of the sentence. The pages transformed intotwo- or three-line tales about dogs and horses and something else thatinterested me. Eventually, Ibegan to understand what it was my heart longed for: to create words andstories. I wrote plays out of the adventures of my American Girl dolls andmimicked(模仿) themysteries of Harry Potter. I scribbled(涂鸦) acrossmargins in class notes and grab某同学在竖直悬挂的弹簧下加挂钩码,做实验研究弹力与弹簧伸长量的关系.下表是他的实验数据.实验时弹力始终没有超过弹簧的弹性限度,弹簧很轻,自身质量可以不计。(1)根据实验数据在给定的坐标系中作出弹力F跟弹簧伸长量x关系的图象。(2)根据图象可知弹簧的劲度系数为________N/m(保留两位有效数字)。
英语 试题推荐