
阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。It was still in deep night, everything seemed to be the same as usual.Tommy! called a clear little voice. Tommy1and sat up in bed. At the foot of the bed stood a boy about his own age, all dressed in2, like fresh snow. He had very bright eyes, and he3Tommy straightly. Who are you? asked Tommy.I am the New Year! said the boy. This is my day, and I bring4your leaves.What leaves? asked Tommy.The new ones, to be sure! said the New Year. I hear5words of you from my Daddy.6is 通常把透镜焦距的倒数叫做透镜焦度,用Φ中表示,即Φ=1[]f。平常说的眼镜片的度数,就是镜片的透镜焦度乘100的值,凸透镜的度数为正数,凹透镜的度数为负数。则一个凹透镜的度数是-400度,则它的焦度是____________,焦距是____________
英语 试题推荐