
完形填空Ifyou've ever been to a Disney Park, you've obviously seen little childrenrunning around dressed as their favorite characters. In fact, it's 1 by the park, and you can even purchase aDisney makeover for your kids in the park 2 with authentic costumes (戏服), hairstyles, and makeup by the professionals. But as the kids get 3,they are less likely to be dressed up, and 4 they hit the age of 14, you won't 5 a single one of them in costume. Itisn't because they're “too cool for school”; it's 6 against the rules. According to the DisneyPark rule-book, any guest aged 14 or older may下列各句中,没有语病的一句是A.以往春运中,存在一些旅客担心买不到火车票而见票就买,等到临出行前才办理退、改签多余车票,为此,铁路部门今年出台了新的退票及改签规定。B. 城市民谣歌手郝云,以一曲饱含京味儿的民谣歌曲《群发的我不回》,调侃了华而不实的群发短信祝福行为,引起亿万观众共鸣,成为春晚中最受广大网友热捧的歌曲。 C. 肿瘤专家认为吸烟或吸二手烟是引起肺癌的第一大诱因,而中国青少年吸烟率正在逐年上升,因此,教育部新近颁布的校园禁烟令受到了社会的肯定。D. 从大年初一到初三,新浪网进行的央视春晚整体印象调查活动已吸引超过10万网民参与,在参与调查的网民中,认为春晚差强人意的占49.1%。 
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