
完形填空WhenRobbie Campbell set out to marry Stephanie Agnew in Australia, he decided tomake the day as perfect as possible. To do that, he 1 the eyes of all his wedding guests so theycould 2 their wedding in exactly the same way as his bride (新娘),Stephanie, who went 3 shortly before meeting Robbie. James Baker 4 the most precious moments of the day, and thephotos are impressive. Robbiemade a(n) 5 to the guests, saying :When we lose one ofour 6, the others heighten. This allows us toexperience something as beautiful as these vows(誓言)in a totally 7 way. Today, we get to experience i阅读下面古诗。(4分)商山早行温庭筠晨起动征铎,客行悲故乡。鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜。槲叶落山路,枳花照驿墙。因思杜陵梦,凫雁满回塘。小题1:对诗句的解说有误的一项是(     )(2分)A.首句表现“早行”的典型情景,概括性很强。第二句中的“悲”字,定下了全诗的情绪基调。B.颔联写景,景中含情,隐约透露出旅人凌晨上路时一种萧瑟、寂寞、凄楚的心情。C.从“槲叶落山路”句可知是早春时节,因为桷这种落叶乔木,冬凋时仍可留枝上,待早春发新芽时旧叶才落;“枳花”也是春天开的,亦证明是写春景。D.尾联写诗人到了长安,看见杜陵一带池沼凫雁欢腾的美好情景,表现了一种欢乐的气氛。小题2:对这首诗的赏析,不恰当的一项是(     )(2分)A.这首诗形象而深刻地表现了诗人羁旅途中孤独凄凉的内心世界。B.从体裁来看,这首诗是近体诗中的五律,韵脚为ang。C.诗的中间两联写景,纯用名词组成的诗句,对仗工整,颔联是脍炙人口的佳句。D.统观全诗,表现精巧,不仅每联都紧扣了“早行”的主题,而且语言明净,情景交融,结构严谨,不愧为古典文学中羁旅诗、乡愁诗的上乘之作。
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