
阅读主题活动Talk about the following questions in pairs, and find out the best answer. (1) Is there a difference between a lie and a white lie? (2) Have you told a white lie? Can you describe it in detail? 答案:Yes. A lie is a statement made by someone knowing that it is not true while a white lie is the lie that we tell to protect others from the truth. Yes, I came across an old man on my way home. It seemed that he was looking for something. Seeing his worried expression, I stopped to ask him what was wrong. He told me he had lost 20 yuan, which was the money he would use to buy food for his family.He阅读短文,完成练习。 香山红叶   香山美,香山的红叶更美。   一个秋高气爽的日子,我和爸爸、妈妈到香山去看红叶。   快到香山了,远远就看见山坡上、树丛中,一大片一大片的红叶。红叶在太阳的照耀下,越发鲜艳了。爸爸不由地赞美道:“真是‘霜叶红于二月花’呀!”   我们来到山脚下,顺着山坡往上爬。树林里,小路旁,满树、满地都是红叶。拾起一片闻闻,啊,还带着些淡淡的香味呢!一阵秋风吹来,红叶满天飞舞。我情不自禁地唱起歌来:“飞、飞、飞,满天地飞。哪儿来这些蝴蝶?原来是红叶。” 1.填空。 (1)短文共________小节。 (2)观赏红叶最好的地方是________。 (3)文中“我”把红叶比作________。 2.用横线画出爸爸赞美红叶的句子,再读一读。 3.你知道“霜叶红于二月花”出自哪首诗?能背一背吗? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐