
阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。On a Sunday morning, Tony woke up to a quiet house. Usually Mom was awake making breakfast and cleaning the kitchen, but not today. At the sound of his mom coughing, Tony knocked on her bedroom door and asked with great concern, Mom, are you OK? Honey, Mom said weakly. I have a terrible cold. You can have cereal (燕麦) for breakfast and watch cartoons. I'm going to stay in bed.Tony poured some cereal into a bowl and ate the pieces dry. Mom must feel very bad if she was staying in be   万历中,钱若赓守临江,多异政。有乡人持鹅入市,寄店中他往。还索鹅,店主赖之云:“群鹅我鹅耳。”乡人讼于郡。   公令人取店中鹅,计四只,各以一纸,给笔砚,分四处,令其供状。人无不惊讶。已退食,使人问鹅供状否,答曰:未。少顷出,下堂视之,曰:“已供状矣。”因指一鹅曰:“此乡人鹅。”盖乡人鹅食野草,粪色青;店鹅食谷粟,粪色黄。店主伏状。 (一)解释加粗词语。 还索鹅(  )     寄店中他往(  ) 钱若赓守临江(  )  因指一鹅曰(  ) (二)翻译下面句子 1.钱若赓守临江,多异政 ________________________ 2.乡人讼于郡. ________________________ (三)钱若赓为什么“多异政”?读了这个故事你有什么? ________________________
英语 试题推荐