
阅读理解 Finding time to read is an important part of developing reading and writing skills for all kids. And there are many easy and convenient ways to make reading a part of each day — even when it's tough to find time to sit down with a book. Car trips, waits in checkout lines and the doctor's office are all opportunities for reading. Keep books or magazines in your car, or backpack to pull out whenever you're going to be in one place for a while. Even if you can't finish a book, read a few pages or discuss some of the pictures. Encourage kids to bring favorite books and magazines alo甲站在0.5m/s匀速上行的自动扶梯上,乙站在0.7m/s匀速下行的自动扶梯上.甲、乙两人质量相等,甲上行中动能(选填“增加”、“不变”、“减少”).某时刻他们的位置如图所示,该时刻甲的重力势能乙的重力势能(选填“大于”、“等于”、“小于”).若此时上行的扶梯突然停止运动,甲会向前倾,原因是甲的脚因受到的作用而停止运动,人的上身由于继续向前运动.
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