
下表反映了15世纪末到19世纪中叶的美洲黑人数量的变化情况,该现象出现的原因最有可能是( )美洲黑人数量 时间490年1570年1852年 数量023.5万118.8万 A . 美洲移民政策的吸引 B . 黑人解放斗争的结果 C . 美洲医疗技术的发展 D . 跨洲三角贸易的影响 答案:D阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIt seemed like a typical November day, a month after my grandmother had passed away. I was frustrated by everything that was going on around me.I was mad and confused about everyone especially when I saw a little girl walking through the store holding her grandmother’s hand. The little girl was begging her grandmother for ice cream just like I used to when I was young. I was jealous of the little girl, because she had something I didn’t have anymore ― a grandmother by her side.I had to force myself to ignore the little girl. She was just too happy and that was unacceptable at that time in my world.I went to the cash register to pay for my things. It was then that my anger quickly shifted from the little girl to the cashier. She took my things to another register. When the cashier gave me my change I didn’t say thank you. I simply took my change and left.Feeling tired and hopeless, I began walking to my car. As I stood in a public parking lot ,many questions formed in my mind. Why did this happen to me? Aren’t we supposed to get signs from the people that passed away? Why didn’t I feel her presence anymore?Suddenly, a woman driving right by my side rolled down her window. “Excuse me, excuse me,” she said loudly. Thinking she was going to ask for my parking spot, I simply pointed to my car. “No, excuse me,” she said again.Then I felt I had no choice but to see what this annoying lady wanted. She reached to the very bottom of her bag and handed me a three-page booklet. “It looks like that you need this,” she said calmly with a smile on her face.I looked down at the used booklet and there were some big bold letters on the front cover reading, “What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?” By the time I looked up ,she had gone.I felt a sense of relaxation as I read the first page. It explained how people pass away and that their spirits remain with us. It was the first time since my grandmother passed away that I had felt her with me. I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry, but I knew that I finally felt happiness from a stranger.【1】The author’s grandmother passed away ___________.A. on a September day B. on a October day C. on a November day D. on a December day【2】What can you know from the first three paragraphs?A. The little girl was envious of the author.B. The author often asked her grandmother to buy ice cream at an early age.C. The author’s grandmother’s death was accidental.D. The author had no choice but to accept the girl’s happiness. 【3】What did the woman driving right by the author’s side want to give the author?A. Some ice cream. B. A bag.C. A booklet. D. A letter.【4】What can we know from the last two paragraphs?A. The booklet was new.B. The author only wanted to cry.C. The author was with her grandmother again.D. The author became glad at last.
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