
壁画是阿旃陀石窟中的最为瞩目的艺术,这些壁画被认为是印度古代壁画的重要代表。画面大量描绘了释迦牟尼佛的生平故事和当时印度的社会生活和宫延生活等情景,包括山林、田舍、战争、乐舞以及劳动人民狩猎、畜牧、生产等场面,内容十分丰富。这说明() A . 为宗教服务的绘画艺术出现了世俗化倾向 B . 当时的印度受分裂割据影响政局动荡不安 C . 落后的农耕文明使佛教得到了广泛传播 D . 印度建成了世界上最大的石窟寺庙建筑群24、阅读短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。     Man has made many interesting inventions since the beginning of time. Some of these inventions like numbers, words and radios have certainly changed history.     One of the most important inventions is the computer. It has changed all our lives.     People built the first computer at Harvard University in 1944. It was as large as a room and quite difficult and slow to operate. But since the invention of the silicon chip (硅片), computers have become smaller, easier to use, and faster to operate. Some computers are as small as TV sets. People can make computers smaller than books. And computers are getting smaller and smaller all the time.     The computer can do a lot of work. It is very useful to us. Firstly, it can keep a lot of news and messages. Secondly, the computer can operate very fast -- thousands of times faster than a man, and it won’t be tired. Thirdly, people can build computers into other kinds of machines, like radios, cars and planes.     Now, almost everyone uses some kinds of computers. This invention has brought great changes to all of our lives. 1. Have inventions changed people’s lives? _____________________________________________________________ 2. When and where did people build the first computer? _____________________________________________________________ 3. What was the first computer like? _____________________________________________________________ 4. Why is the computer useful to people? _____________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think your life will be like without the computer? Why? _____________________________________________________________
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