
阅读理解Next week, Pushpa Nagarajwill appear for her 720th exam. But she won't be taking the exam for herself. Since2007, she has helped hundreds of visually challenged students take exams by actingas their scribe (抄写员), reading them the questionsand then writing down the answers they give. When Ms. Nagaraj was growingup in Bangalore, the IT capital of India, her father lost his job after a back injury.The family suddenly found itself struggling. She thought she'd have to drop outof school. Luckily, her mother managed to raise enough money to educate her throughhigh school. Today, sh依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是①诸葛亮七擒孟获,使南方地区各部落打消了反叛之心,彻底_________了蜀汉。②诸葛亮___________孟获的故事,流传千古,表现了中华民族大家庭交流融合的过程。③读者在阅读文章时,他们最为_________的,往往是作者对生活的理解和感受的_________深度。④_________和爱护城市的一草一木,才是一个合格的公民。A.降伏  降服  关注  关心B.降伏  降服  关心  关注C.降服  降伏  关注  关心D.降服  降伏  关心  关注
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